It takes Courage & Chutzpah to Be Authentic: 5 Surprising Ways to Share Your Brand DNA
Today’s blog on Brand DNA is based upon my keynote yesterday for the Sierra Nevada Powerful Women Awards.
I recognize that it takes courage to reveal your authentic brand, but the rewards are well worth it. If you’re well branded, you get clients for life, attract the right clients, repel the wrong people, stop negotiating your fees, and are pre-sold to clients.
Here are my 5 surprising suggestions to you on communicating your personal brand:Share your #PersonalBrand— the more you share, the more they care. Click To Tweet
1. Turn Conversations Into Connections – Go beyond the typical “What do you do?” and talk about sports, events, schools, geography that are easy paths to common ground.
2. Listen to What People Are Saying – Stop waiting for your turn to talk; instead, intensely hear what they are telling you. I always laugh when entrepreneurs are confused about getting a gift for their clients; they’ve told you all year about themselves; you just need to listen.
3. Share A Little Bit More on Social Media – How about adding cancer survivor, wine lover or mediocre golfer if it’s true? All business all the time is boring!
4. Stop Making Snap Judgments – We make a judgment about someone based upon as little as five seconds after seeing them. How about if we wait and give them two minutes or five minutes?
5. Embrace Your Epigrams – Each of us have unique words and phrases. Any time someone says to you, “You say that all the time,” it your turn to say thank you. Embrace your words, use them frequently so that you develop a catch phrase.
Add a little piece of your #brand DNA into social media. Click To Tweet All business all the time is boring!
Now is the time to turn your name into a brand. Have the courage to share more about you because not only will you make better connections, but have a happier life with meaningful relationships. What’s your experience with Brand DNA? Please, share below.
To your sizzling success,