6 Surprising Observations About Reno
Yes! I am building a house in Reno! In the interim, I am between 3 cities and you can easily schedule a phone appointment, coffee with a coach, or lunch with me based upon a San Diego, Orange County, or Reno location. Check my calendar!
Do you know any folks I should meet in Reno? Just let me know or connect via LinkedIn.
In moving to Reno, I’ve uncovered a few surprising facts:
You’re Not Pronouncing the State Correctly – This state has a thing about the letter “a”. It is not Ne-VAAAAH- Duh (way too snotty), it is not Ne-VAY-DUH, but Ne-VAT-A (rhymes with cat.) Oh, and the grocery store, Raley’s? It’s pronounced RAY-LEES. I’m working on mastering the local lingo.
You Don’t Need an Appointment at the Apple Store – Living in a city with a population of 250,000 vs. 3.3 million in San Diego or 3.2 million means traffic is light whether on foot or by car. Need a tune up at the Genius Bar? Just come on in! No appointment necessary.
All Roads Lead to Virginia or McCarran – As most of you know, I’m geographically challenged. Here? Just take Virginia or McCarran; in either direction it will take you home. In 8 meetings, every single one of them has been on 1 of these 2 streets. Crazy. But true!@CityofReno fun fact: All Roads Lead to Virginia or McCarran – Geographically challenged? Just take Virginia or McCarran; in either direction it will take you home. Click To Tweet
You Should Heat Up Your Plates…and Wear Slippers! – We’re in the 2nd warmest winter in reportedly history with daytime highs in the 60s! But, the lows are in the 20s and if you put hot food on a cold plate, it just ruins your dinner. Heating up your coffee cup is a good idea too. BTW, my wine apparently is at the perfect temperature. 😊
Everybody Wears Jeans – Don’t make the mistake of thinking the guy in boots and jeans is under dressed; he’s probably just the CEO or CIO of a company. And, that lady in a down vest and boots, she’s probably the CEO. This city is a great reminder that you are not what you wear.
The City’s Tagline has a Great History – “The Biggest Little City in the World” dates back to 1929 proving that great taglines stand the test of time. Remember that the next time you’re quick to change yours.@CityofReno Fun Fact: The City’s Tagline has a Great History – “The Best Little City in the World” dates back to 1929 proving that great #taglines stand the test of time. Remember that the next time you’re quick to change yours. Click To Tweet
Thanks for being loyal readers. I can’t wait to hear from you, see you around Reno, or see you soon in my travels.
To your sizzling success!