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Are you killing the sale?

Writer's picture: Liz GoodgoldLiz Goodgold

6 Instant Deal Killers and How You Can Save the Sale

This past week I recommended 2 trusted resources to a current client; neither one of them got the biz. Why? They committed one of the following deadly sins that killed the deal:

  1. Responded Haphazardly To The Prospect – When prospects are referred to you, they are already pre-sold and often simply need a reassuring conversation before engagement. Lack of urgency on your part leads to the client feeling unimportant. Hot Idea: Create a process to respond to prospect queries ASAP.

  2. Submitted A Late Proposal – If you start a project on the wrong foot, it’s hard to continue in step. It’s analogous to the defendant on the stand who lies about one fact; we conclude that he lied about all the facts! Hot Idea: Submit your proposal earlier than agreed.

  3. Created An Inflexible Contract – I didn’t write “negotiate your prices,” but I am saying that a contract has more elements than price.  Hot Idea: Become flexible about terms, payment schedule, non-disclosure closures, and other options.

  4. Presented a Proposal with Merely the Price – A Proposal is not a job estimate, (like one you would find from a plumber), but an outline of deliverables and value. Hot Idea: Explain to me how you achieve the results and why you are the perfect person for the job. Remember: clients pay for the results, not the process!

  5. Remained Inflexible on the Timing – Sometimes a client needs your service yesterday. Hot Idea: Offer rush charges and other options that still deliver the project according to your client’s deadline, but also offer your appropriate compensation.

  6. Peppered The Proposal With Acronyms – I often read proposals with acronyms and I have no idea what they mean!  Of course, everyone tells me that everyone in the industry understands that jargon, but I disagree.  Hot Idea: Don’t refer to yourself with a series of letters and avoid acronyms like the plague. If in doubt, leave it out!

Please share how you’ve killed or saved a deal in the comments below.

Image courtesy of pakorn /



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