The Fab 5 Reasons You Should Be Using Pinterest for Business
As a self-proclaimed “word girl,” I haven’t paid much attention to the visual social media including Pinterest. In fact, I’ve flat out ignored it and thought it was for everyone else…until I talked with Stefanie Blue of TrueBlue Vision. Since then, I’ve joined the converted and finally now have my own Pinterest account. Take a look!
So, I’ve asked Stef to share with you why you should be Pinning.
Why You Can’t Afford To Ignore Pinterest When Marketing Your Business!
By Stefanie Blue
Pinterest drives more traffic to websites than Twitter, YouTube, and Google+ COMBINED! In fact, Pinterest accounts for 44% of e-commerce. Yowza!
So, let me ask you: Are you putting your business in front of all these consumers? If you’re not quite sure where to start, or even what Pinterest is, you’ll definitely want to keep reading.
The Who and What of Pinterest
Pinterest is an image-based online social media platform. It has been around since March 2010, and is the one of the fastest growing of the social media, especially on mobile devices. If you’ve been on Pinterest, you know that you can get “lost” for hours looking at the high-quality, rich visuals. Ironically, Pinterest was designed to inspire, and to get you offline! Since we do tend to stay on line longer and “browse”, that’s wonderful news for business owners who choose to get on board and market with this new social media giant!
Here’s my The Fab 5 Reasons You Should Be Using Pinterest for Business
You Stay in front of your client/prospects longer! If you’re active on other social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, you know that your “feed” can change drastically one minute to the next. Your “hang time” with Pinterest is much longer. It is estimated that a pin on Pinterest has about a 1-week shelf life compared to Twitter’s 5-25 minutes, and about 30 minutes with Facebook. In addition, if your pin starts getting repinned, your photo stays in the circulation cycle even longer. AND, as if that’s not enough of a selling point, prospects and clients can SAVE your pin and come back to it! That’s a feature no other social media offers.
Users Have a Buying Mindset – Pinterest users have more of a retail mindset versus the social sharing aspect of Facebook or Instagram. If you have products to sell and a shopping cart, Pinterest provides the perfect opportunity for “window shopping” – it’s “2-clicks to check out!”
Once You’re In, You’re In – 80% of pins circulating on Pinterest are repins– meaning once YOUR pins are on there, they’re likely to get repinned and circulated.
It’s a Direct Connection to Your Website – Each pin you pin for your product or service includes an area for a text description, keywords, and price. price, describe the service or product, use your tag line, etc. AND, when done properly, each pin links directly back to your website or blog!
Pinterest Is A Soft Sell – With Pinterest, you connect with visitors in terms of lifestyle, aspirations, and shared values. It gives you a chance to build rapport and trust, show that you’re an expert in your field, develop connections, and increase the likelihood of conversion and referrals. Many of my clients enjoy my pinboards – they get to know my slightly-twisted sense of humor; they learn about my passion for travel; they discover my lesser-known skills in the kitchen!
So? Pretty impressive, right? Did I get your attention? Are you ready to learn more how you can seize the opportunity to market your product or service on Pinterest? Then I welcome you to join me on my upcoming webinar on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 9am PST – (9/9 @9)
Make Your Business More “Pinteresting” . . . and Profitable!
In this webinar, I’ll share with you the
5 Things Successful Businesses Must Do…and the one you should avoid
Best Navigational Tips and Tricks
Advantages Pinterest Has over other Social Media Platforms
Top 3 Mistakes Most Businesses Make
6 Critical Elements for Your Business Page
BONUS! Be sure to stay tuned to the end, as I’ll be giving one lucky listener will receive a complimentary Social Media/Website & Image Assessment. For this, I will review your website, blog, and social media outlets, looking for strengths and areas for improvements, and will follow-up with you personally for a 15-minute phone call to discuss my assessment! ($129 value).
Register Now!
Make Your Business More “Pinteresting” . . . and Profitable!
Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 9 am PST – (9/9 @9)
Don’t worry if you can’t listen live; register now so you can hear the replay!
Stefanie is owner of both TRUE BLUE Vision and TRUE BLUE Portrait. In her portrait business, she enjoys the one-on-one connection she develops with her clients. About 3 years ago, Stefanie began using Pinterest strategically to connect with clients, and then began helping other business owners do the same. TRUE BLUE Vision is the result, as Stefanie shares not only her creative vision working with the individuals, but shares her vision of where her clients can take their business.