My Twitter feed spouts #marketing and #branding observations. And, even if you’re not one of the 35 million active users, I trust you’ll enjoy these juicy tidbits.
And if you’re not following me, head on over here to join the fun!
Fab subject line @Target #emailmarketing: Yule love our electronics deals
New #word of the day: cybermyalgia. Aches and pains from too much texting or surfing
The Bread Barn having fun with all of the passerbys who ask: does your bread contain gluten?

Great email subject line from @Staples – your printer is hungry
Loving the new door hanger from San Diego County Library: SHHHHH! I’m reading 1,000 books!

The CIA ….maybe we’ll run out of stories and have to tweet cat photos. #CIACat #Twitterversary

Showing her humorous side, Hillary Clinton unveils her T-shirt which is a picture of a pantsuit!

Goodbye #VinceCamuto My feet will miss you and your shoes.
Adding peas to guacamole causes uproar! I named it mocamole!
AND, Finally coffee for me (and other fine redheads everywhere!) compliments of @Wendy’s

Did I miss yours? Go ahead and tweet me @LizGoodgold or share below on my blog.
To a sizzling, happy, healthy, and lovin holiday and new year!
PS: I’m on every Tuesday on Reelz dishing branding commentary. Tune in! I welcome your comments.
