If you’re like me and the thought of even reading about a biz plan makes you want to vomit, I’ve got a special workshop just for you. Instead of focusing on the mechanics of writing a biz plan, we focus on actions that bring in profits.
This hands-on workshop is for you IF:
You are NOT achieving your revenue goals every year
You are STILL struggling to pay your mortgage…plus have extra money for special goodies
You know you are talented, BUT cannot seem to profit from your talents
Register NOW for this workshop and leave with a focused plan that brings in the dollars in 2013. Find out how to:
Identify your weak areas so that you don’t make the same mistakes in 2013
Pinpoint “leakages” that are draining your time….and profits
Create daily and weekly revenue goals to ensure that your work day is tied to revenue every day
Price your services so that you give up forever from ever competing on price!
Join Profit Planning Guru Deanna Potter and me as we team-teach the secrets of reaching…and exceeding your revenue goals for 2013. You must join us in December if you’re going to hit the ground running and profiting on January 1, 2013.
Wednesday, December 5th 2012 9 am – 1 pm Hera Hub 9710 Scranton Rd. Suite 160, San Diego, CA 92121
Your Investment for this 4-hours, content-rich workshop is:
$199.00 for Guests
$99.00 for Branding Club Members of any level