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What did you misremember? It’s Time to Stop “Misremembering” and Start Telling the Truth

Writer's picture: Liz GoodgoldLiz Goodgold

Oy vey! Brian Williams admits to “misremembering” an incident almost 10 years ago about being hit by enemy fire. Couple that event with conflicting reports about the safety of the reporter during Hurricane Katrina and we now have a huge cauldron of lies.

Here’s the question: can you handle the truth?

As entrepreneurs, employees, and executives, we too may step in it. Here’s how to walk out of it.

  1. Correct The Mistake – Now! – Executives from Wal-Mart to Yahoo have been fired recently for claiming degrees that they didn’t have. Is your bio really correct?

  2. Apologize – I’m tired of the passive “a mistake was mistake” vs. owning up to the issue with “I made a mistake.” Very few of us have exaggerated the truth with the magnitude of Brian William’s impact, so a short apology just might do the trick.

  3. Stop Retelling the Lies – If you tell a fib too long, even you start inhaling your own fumes! Now’s the time to delete the fabrication.

  4. Start Telling More Truths – It’s sometimes easier to lie than to tell the truth, but lately I’ve been dishing the dirt. For example: I’m late because I planned poorly; I didn’t attend the grand opening because my brain hurt; I fractured my toes walking into my case. I know it sounds sexier to say that that traffic was the cause of my delay, I was too busy to attend the party or that I broke my foot skiing, but the truth is OK too. Give it a try next time.

What’s your take on truth telling? Please share in the comments below.


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